'We believe that every Christian has a God-given passion to see others blessed with good news as described by Jesus in Matt 28:18-20. This is a personal and corporate call as described in Acts 1:7-8. Jesus asks us to testify locally, regionally and globally to His greatness, grace, forgiveness, healing, mercy, and restoration. This means that while every Christian will not be called to every remote area of the world, some will be called to some remote places from the perspective of their home area. In these instances those of us who are not called to that specific remote place can still contribute through our prayers and financial gifts to the furtherance of the good news in that place. As the Lord moves, please join us by partnering in this endeavor as God gives us opportunity.'

International Ministries
$3,460 raised
This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!
- Five Two Foundation
- Individuals
- Donations to this project are tax-deductible
About This Project
Recent Supporters
Project Owner
Five Two Foundation

- Website http://www.fivetwo.org