Jeani Kim

Jeani Kim

$4,776 raised

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  • United States
  • Five Two Foundation
  • Individuals
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

Your girl Jeani is going to Worship DTS in Kansas City!!!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my page. I appreciate you oodles and boodles!
Like it says above, I'm going to the middle of nowhere (Kansas City, MO) to seek God with all my soul, mind, and strength!

So a quick run-down of what's been going on with moi...

In March, I moved back to Los Angeles after a 6-year chapter in Seoul with nothing on my radar. Through this whole transitional process, I kept hearing the Lord say, “Do you trust me?” and every time, I found myself crying (more-so whining) to Him saying, “Nope. I don’t trust You with this situation.”

Then I imagine Him gently shaking His head, with love in His eyes, and a sweet smirk on His face saying, "Well then, I'll just have to show you who I am."

And boom! DTS get's dropped in my lap.
I received my official acceptance on Sept. 1st, and I'll fly out Sept. 30th to start the 3-month training phase.

For those of you that have not heard of DTS, it is a 6 month missions program. The first 3 months being training, and the remainder being outreach, where we'll apply all that we've learned in the mission field.

I will be joining the Worship DTS. Worship has always played a significant role in my relationship with the Lord, and I hear His voice calling me deeper in this season.

All that to say, I can't go (literally impossible) without your partnership and support.
To start the program I'll need $4650 (includes outreach plane ticket) by Sept. 30th.
Then I'll have to raise the remaining $3650 before I leave for outreach.

I need your financial and spiritual covering. Whether it be $10 or $1000, whatever the Lord is moving you to sow. By partnering with me, you would be partnering with the Lord. “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me” (Matthew 25:40).

If you’d like to receive more information, as to what I’d be doing or would like to talk about anything regarding my decision towards DTS, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to talk over the phone, email, facetime, or a nice pumpkin spice latte.

I'm so thankful for each and every one of you. I'm BLESSED with the relationships I've been given. Keep me in your thoughts & prayers!!!

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

All my love,

Project Owner

Five Two Foundation

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