Jackie Sun

This fundraiser supports TTGU Angel Project Myanmar (Jan 23-31, 2017)
About This Fundraiser
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,
I am a seminary student at Torch Trinity Graduate University (TTGU). I come from China, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. When I came to S. Korea on the first day, I was so surprised and amazed—there were so many churches along the street. I fell in love with this nation immediately because God loves this nation. Holding a vision of becoming a missionary, I began my new life here.
I thank God for giving me the precious opportunity to serve the people in Myanmar in this winter. I know that it will not be easy as I will meet many challenges, such as preparation during the busy school life, financial needs and culture shock. However, I believe that these challenges will be the great treasures in my life because God is living and almighty. Having experienced several mission trips, I believe that one of the most important lessons that I have learned and am still learning is that God loves all the nations. For this reason, as one of His beloved children, I would like to love Him by obeying His will and joining in His mission.
My dear friends in Jesus Christ, I would like to ask you to consider supporting me. As you partner with this Angel Project to Myanmar and participate in such a wonderful way for His Kingdom, may the Lord bless you and remember your heart for Him!
Jackie Sun
Recent Supporters
About TTGU Angel Project Myanmar (Jan 23-31, 2017)

저희는 오는 2017년 1월 23일(월)부터 1월31일(화)까지 미얀마의 양곤 및 미치나 지역에서 횃불트리니티 신학대학원의 선교 프로젝트의 일환인 Angel Project를 통해 단기간 선교지를 방문하고 올 계획입니다. 현재 89% 인구가 불교 신자인 미얀마에는 민주화의 바람이 점진적으로 일어나고 있습니다. 이 시기와 맞물려 복음을 통한 놀라운 하나님의 구원의 은혜가 미얀마에게 임하길 기도하면서 김은희 교수, 안한나 교수 외 팀원들은 다음과 같은 사역을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
• 현지 신학교 강의 및 평신도 지도자를 위한 세미나 사역: 특히 미치나 지역에서 열악한 환경 가운데 700여명의
기독 학생들을 배출하고 있는 KCTS 방문 (http://ktcsnn.com/)
• 현지인 및 졸업생의 목회지 방문 및 단기 사역 (어린이 사역 등)
• 미얀마 북부에 위치한 카친주의 수도 미치나 난민들의 구제 및 의료 사역
저희 팀 사역을 위해서 기도해 주시기를 부탁드립니다. 혹시, 기도하시는 가운데 재정적으로 후원해 주시기를 원하시면 저희에게 큰 힘이 될 것입니다.
The Angel Project is a unique initiative created by Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, S. Korea. Between semesters, faculty members lead a group of students to visit alumni abroad and collaborate on a number of projects to foster reconciliation and transformation in their respective communities. During January 23-31, 2017, Drs. Grace Kim and Hannah S. An are scheduled to visit Myanmar. Both professors will offer seminars on their specialized topics while a team of students will learn first-hand how Christian leaders in the Majority World faithfully minister in a local context. In particular, the team plans to serve tribal people, including internally displaced groups (i.e., "refugees"). We would like to ask your prayers for the success of the trip and the safety of all the team members. Also, please prayerfully consider partnering with us by funding this project. We believe that your gift, of any amount, will be invaluable in making this outreach a life-changing experience for our brothers and sisters in Myanmar.