Blu Turtle 5K Freedom Run

Judith님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 Five Two - General Fund를 후원합니다

US$0.00 남음
US$2,800 모금
US$1,500186% 달성

모금활동 소개

I believe in the power of "one." In fact I think it might be God's favorite number. The Bible is full of examples of one person obeying God and changing life as we knew it forever..and God is still calling us today to be that "one." Because God's math works this way..1+1+1+1+1+1+ = The multitudes.
Again this year I am running (and I am 60+) to raise money to help the silent Christians in North Korea who have kept their faith alive 70 years now at the risk of their life and that of their families, praying that the door to freedom is opened for them..and this year I am adding on another cause to help free those held in sex trafficking around the world. Can you put yourself in their shoes..not having the freedom. I want them to be able to walk out the door to FREEDOM.
The organizations I am supporting this year are Reah International (for N. Korean Christians) and Love146 for sex trafficking.
If the monies raised can help even one person, the question I leave you with is this: Isn't that one person worth it?
I thank you from my heart for your support with money and prayer..and know God is faithful.
I Believe one person can make a difference.
Judith Rizzio ~ Song Eun Hye 송은혜

최근 후원자

Five Two - General Fund 소개

Our Mission

The mission of Five Two Foundation is to multiply God’s resources for the common good. Our name is derived from the story of Jesus feeding the multitude with five loaves and two fish.

Our History

We started Five Two thinking that we would run our own projects, build orphanages, and provide safe drinking water by digging wells. For our first project, we were able to raise $30,000 to rebuild orphanages and to dig wells to provide clean drinking water to thousands in Orissa, India. Although we did good work, it wasn’t our calling. Somewhere along the way, we realized that what we really should have been doing was helping other ministries raise funds for their projects. Our calling is to be a multiplier of resources. So we built a platform for fundraising and named it GrassRoot.

Five Two Foundation is a registered nonprofit based in Seoul, South Korea. We are currently working out of Jubilee Church, who generously provides us with free office space and coffee.

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